A free HTML5 Wordpress Theme - Download and try it now !
Edit : there is a new version of this free HTML5 Wordpress Theme.
Dreamweaver Gratuit is proud to announce its first Wordpress theme, FreeDream, a HTML5 theme using some CSS3 properties. FreeDream is simple, clean and elegant, a design I made for my blog's readers.
This theme utilizes two columns, 960 pixels wide layout, one sidebar, widget ready.
Some highlights:
- HTML5 markup. It uses the HTML5 markup and the design is fine in every current browsers, including IE6.
- A specific 404 page. The 404 template of this theme provides your readers with a list of recent articles.
- Archives template. An archives template that supports categories, tags and monthly views.
- CSS3. All the rounded corner in this theme are displayed with de border radius property. But the design is perfectly fine with IE.
- Twitter. This theme allows you to provide your Twitter.
Feel free to use as you please, I just would be really grateful if you keep the Dreamweaver Gratuit link at the bottom. Thanks and enjoy.
Download FreeDream
Edit : FreeDream is now available here http://dreamgratuit.canalblog.com/archives/2010/01/12/16501225.html
Pour mes lecteurs français :
je vous propose ici de télécharger ci-dessus mon 1er thème Wordpress gratuit qui utilise HTML5 et quelques propriétés CSS3. Le design de ce thème fonctionne parfaitement sur les navigateurs les plus anciens tels que IE6 sans en altérer fondamentalement le design.